These came out of late night sessions, sitting around with my brother in his Peckham flat (many years ago) listening to the finest dub. Drawing a waking dream.
Each image started with an involved squiggle, made with eyes closed. We then exchanged these with each other and waited for people, places and things to suggest themselves amidst the tangle of lines.

Greetings cards
A series of greetings cards in which I worked with the flat and velvety character of gouache on paper to achieve a graphic feel – where the evidence of the hand is played down but subtly present.

The Mysterious Burnchester Hall
Dominic Mieville and I met frequently to discuss ideas. The sprawling conversations that ensued, Dominic's enthusiasm and open mindedness, and the stories' symbolism, sparked a flow of visual ideas in the form of sketches and digital studies. I could have happily continued working on these ideas ad infinitum – there was so much scope to explore the relationship between word, image and meaning.

Basic Skills Toolkit
One of a series of publications for UKYouth - providing training ideas and activities for youth services, and advocating peer education and support.

Cuvee Prestige
Mixed media development-project for a Cuvée Prestige wine label. An ink-drawing was scanned and digitally printed on cartridge paper, and then using brush and water, the edges were dissolved into each other, before the printing inks were able to dry.

Buy one, get one free
A concept piece based on an imaginary band – the album's main thrust being the relationship between man and machine, organic and synthetic, and between Romanticism-Zen-Gestalt and Classical-Rational-Analytical.
Inspired by books such as The Mind's Eye by Hofstadter and Dennet, and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M.Pirsig.

MicroMaker provides digital technology solutions to schools and communities around the world by integrating coding and crafting into STEAM Education. The brief was to create technical illustrations that are accessible and friendly feeling, whilst maintaining the necessary precision to instruct the viewer.

'Figure of Speech' Greetings Cards
A series of greetings cards illustrating ideas by Jeremy Gibson. Jeremy previously worked for the BBC as a radio playwright, and also in theatre - it was inspiring to work with someone who thinks along these lines - considering the image as a frame in a story, about what is happening, 'upstage' and 'downstage', and scrutinising the psychology of body language.

Websites for artists - designed by an artist
Websites and online shops designed for artists, using minimal layouts, full screen features and innovative online gallery tools – allowing the artwork to take centre stage.

More Doodles and illustrations
Quick line drawings in pencil, biro and charcoal exploring expression and body language. Sometimes developed using colour – from acrylics to wax crayons, gouache and mixed media.

Starting Points
A series of three book publications for UKYouth - Starting Points, Moving On and Portfolio Building. The books provide training activities for youth-service workers and young people, and advocate peer education and support. The design work encompassed front covers, illustrations and type setting.

Woodforde's Wherry
A pitch for Woodforde's Wherry bottle label and beer mat design. - in conjunction with Mark the StudioSpark.
We didn't win it and hence the designs were never finalised, but I had enormous fun breaking free from the usual shape boundaries - thus inviting the surrounding space into the design.

My first graphic design job (1996 -2000), working in-house for Bioline – a biomolecular research company. My parents had lent me the money to buy an Apple Mac and early versions of Photoshop, QuarkXpress and Freehand, and my girlfriend's uncle needed a catalogue designing. What luck! So I upped sticks from the wilds of East Anglia and moved into a gloomy bedsit in Archway.
I designed the Bioline logo, was given free-rein to interpret the subject matter, the time I needed to learn my craft and the opportunity to travel to USA, Germany and Italy to work with associates.
It was an exciting time to be entering the profession, as visual imaging technology was taking off and had become affordable to the home user. In those days you could make a cup of tea whilst waiting for a Photoshop filter to complete.

Anger Management
A mixed-media illustration for an anger management article using photography, drawing and typography, and exploring the layer blending potential of Photoshop.